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Like Peter Fallon, the protagonist of my novel, my life is in a constant forward motion of busy schedules, tight itineraries, and unfulfilled promises. But when that moment comes—the one where I can finally close my eyes while I’m on a long overseas flight or tossing around in an unfamiliar hotel bed far away from home—self-reflection flashes before my eyes, and I see all my life’s most critical moments gush out like murals painted on a wall, my own little life-space harmoniously arranged in pictorial scenes. This novel is meant to compartmentalize those murals as one might a dramatic fresco, all the stories like mosaic stones tiled together with imaginary grout.

The characters in this novel are fictional, but based on a series of composites of multiple people I have met, associated with, or heard about over the course of my career. They are joined and formed like grafted hybrid roses.

I have worked with many talented and respectful individuals whose lives were negatively impacted by corporate business decisions. To them, I wish to express my sincere compassion. That might not make sense now, but you will understand what I mean by the time you have finished this novel. Fortunately, I have been given the opportunity to turn my story’s final mural into reality: a new chapter of my life, one in which I can redeem myself.

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